Yesterday morning, I woke up in a daze. I scuffled my feet to the kitchen, grabbed my regular bowl of oatmeal. Got my tea ready.
There’s something major I was missing.
And right there when I directing the third spoonful of oats in my mouth. It hit me!
Five. Five!!
It’s been five years since the first post.
I raised up my cup of tea in the air in a silent toast.
Salute baby girl! Who knew we’d be at it 5 years later?
In between the chewing, sipping, gulping of this ordinary breakfast. I ruminated on the early days. The days I would shove a camera to my siblings or friends and say please shoot! Thank you all for being so patient with me. I rounded up anyone who could assist in the visuals department. Boy don't they have stories.
This blog started as a little platform where I would share my stories, style, and inspiration on all things life. There were funny moments. Others that made me tear up, some moments that made me frustrated while others just pushed me outside my comfort zone. The initial years were not as consistent. It was a post as you please scenario. Then I took it up to myself to put a little more effort.
5 years have gone by and this platform is home. Home to you the reader. My Anneconvenional fam BAM! You are friends. Whether you are reading this on your way home, at work, on your commute, at the coffee shop, the gym, on the couch in between commercials. Whether a link was sent you you by a friend or you saw one posted up on social. Thank you. For being here. For reading, for the comments, your kind words.
I trully enjoy writing and sharing on here. It's my happy place. Five years is alot of documentation. Goodness! It could total up to a book but that would be a long read. However, I figured I pull up some posts from yester years and share some stories.
Click on the actual picture and enjoy the read. I got lost in it too. Reading my own voice, the first post, then somewhere in Gatundu, meeting Shaun T. I was a little bit over the place, trying to figure out the direction I wanted the blog to take. But here we are today. For those who've known me at my current bald state, there some well documented years where I experimented with hair. Short bob, bangs, long tresses, braids you name it.
I randomly selected this posts so here we go.
So many pictures, so many stories. And this is what I have learnt in the five years:
1. Share your story. We all have stories to tell. If you want to start a blog. Go for it. Don't worry about it not being perfect. Just start! You don't know who will be inspired by your story. Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can. The watch the universe align itself to cater to you.
2. Do you. Whatever makes you happy. Go ahead and do that.
3. Stay true. To yourself especially. In a world where everything around you is marketed to make you look and want to be like someone/ something else. Staying true to your own identity is liberating.
4. Fear be damned. There are many opportunities that would have passed me by if I had never published that first post. I am so glad I did it. I was apprehensive. I was worried about what people would say. Then I followed the first three lessons and here we are today.
5.Gratitude -There's nothing like it. Starting each day with a grateful heart. For the gift of life, family, friends, love. Gratitude makes it possible to look for the positive in all things even if there are days you have to look harder. Gratitude will make you thankful for what IS there rather than what isn't.
I have nothing but gratitude to you for always stopping by. Thank you, thank you for being part of this journey. I truly appreciate you. If we haven't met, I hope we shall in the future, and you will tell me about the bomb dress that you got and rocked it in your own fashion. Or the 15 pounds you lost or the opportunity you went for fearlessly. Rock on! I am forever cheering you on!
Ushering the new month Oct 2017 in this vibrant Roshie Red look
Sweater: Zara
Skirt: HM
Shoes: Zara
Bag: F21
Brooch: Banana Republic
Sunnies: Ray Ban