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 I love a good story. Curiosity got the best of me last night and  made me look up the story behind one of the most popular days of the year. It is hailed the superbowl of romance. A day named after a priest who was executed because he performed marriage vows to young lovers. This was a big deal since at the time, the Emperor was building an army of men. Unattached men. The dudes never signed up because they were attached to their lady loves and others refused to join this army of men since they were married and were afraid to leave their families without a papa. The Emperor decreed that marriages were illegal so he could focus on his Bachelor army. Despite the decree, the priest would perform the marriage vows in secret.  Unfortunately, dude was caught, tortured and jailed. His execution date was just another ordinary day on the calendar. That day was  February 14th. He wrote a letter to his lady friend before they hacked off his head. He signed off simply, “your Valentine.”

    Tomorrow is not an ordinary day. Flowers will be purchased, dinners will be consumed in fancy restaurants under dimly lit lights. Chocolates and roses bought to reflect love and passion and little notes will be penned “your valentine.” No one will be beheaded. Thank God! But if amnesia gets the best off you after the numerous commercials and extensive marketing ploys to lure your hard earned money, you my friend, might find yourself on the chopping block. You are on your own.

      If you are single, you might be dreading this day because everything around you will remind you of how single you are. Red roses everywhere by the counter from your neighbourhood Duane reade to the dollar store. The dollar store may have plastic flowers but it’s the thought that counts.  You can’t walk a few block without seeing relatives of TED staring at you. Small Ted, Big Ted, Gigantic Ted, Siamese Ted, Pink Ted, Red Ted, Ted with a rose, even Ted who talks. Their eyes wide, dark, with a eerie expression.  Ted will have a made in China tag. If you happen to lock yourself indoors to avoid seeing red costumes on the streets, your phone, that gadget on your hand will not spare you. Countless images from your instagram and facebook timeline will constantly pop up, blurry pictures of filet mignon or some homemade pasta will adorn your screen accompanied with mushy sappy messages streaming like final movie credits.

     But there is one story that is never told. It’s not in a book because it is still being written. This is your story. Your love story to be exact. Your story is filled with numerous characters that you come across in life but the fascinating story is the one you have  with yourself. How you love yourself sets the tone for all the other relationships in your life. Being single at one time meant that no one wanted you. Today, we scoff at that assumption and proceed to live our best lives. Instead of taking a peek on your phone to read or check other people's stories. Take yourself to the movies. Get an amazing massage. Buy yourself flowers. Often. Enjoy dinner, solo. Table for one, yes please. Go the museum, stare at canvases. Eat that cupcake. You deserve it. Fall in love with taking care of yourself. Embrace the glorious mess that you are. The best commitment you will ever make, is making yourself better. That should be a bestseller anyone would want to read!

So whether you have someone buying you roses or buying them for damn yourself. Here's to celebrating you. Attached or single everyday is your day. Make it extraordinary.