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Spring is a time I look forward to. The beginning of another season. Time for something new and yet for me this is a reminder of loss.

The month of April for the past couple of years have always been heavy. April reminds me of loss of my brother and there is this air of constant grief that is surrounding me. My siblings go through it as well. We have learnt to lean on each other for support that way. A casual check in. An “I love you.” text.

I promised myself that this year, rather than sink in the grief of it I would rather swim in it. Find a way to breathe through it all. My prayer was to also find strength to celebrate the moments that make life full and be fully present.

Sometimes I think, you really get what you profess and confess. And that the law of attraction is alive and around us. Creating for me is a divine experience. Everything is well thought out from ideation to completion. It could be a new recipe I’ve I am trying out. Or testing out some new paints. To working on a new look for this blog

My focus was a bright color that would scream spring! Maxi dresses are very feminine however, once you throw on a blazer, it shift the silhouette and gives it its own identity. A play on masculine/feminine in dressing. Talking about playing, I have been doing a lot of that and I find it restorative. I read Brene Brown’s The Gifts of imperfection and cultivating Play was a fabulous chapter. Why? Because we don’t make enough time for it. We are on adulting mode as our default setting. Any form of fun and play is frowned upon. To this I say no. Gah! The importance of play brings you joy, laughter, happiness, and evokes a sense of inner peace. You only need to look around you and what is going on in the world to understand that.I think this Global Pandemic has shown me the importance of cultivating things that bring you joy. I spoke on it on the last post and I will be singing about it through this year. We are all connected. We are hurting, we are grieving, we live in a state of constant trauma that my friend even mentioned that it’s beginning to make them numb. To be numb is to be reprieved of feeling and responsiveness. To be deprived of the power of sensation. Like a domino effect, numbness will deprive you the endless joys that this world has to offer.

The weather chose to give us rain, a shoot had been schedule and thus a shoot came to fruition. I danced in the rain, skipped, tangoed and waltzed with the umbrella because the wind would not let me prosper, laughed so hard at it that at some point I used the umbrella as an accessory. I felt the rain on my skin, the wind blowing on my bald head, and the hem of my dress got wet as I skipped over little puddles. IT FELT AMAZING! GLORIOUS and I felt very much alive!

I look back at these pictures with so much happiness because of the memories they evoke. They are those who get rained on and there some of us who feel the rain.

Arthur outdid himself. Extremely calm and composed in these weather elements because we don’t cancel shoots, we flow with them. Rain or shine. Here’s to celebrating everyday moments that make us feel alive and full.

Also Happy 4/20 to those that partake ceremonial herbs :)

Photography: Arthur

Instagram: Snipes_studios


Thank you for stopping by.

Dress: Staud Clothing

Blazer: Madewell

Shoes: Adidas

Bag: Ralph Lauren

Sunnies: Ray Bans

Umbrella: Borrowed from Fuza :)