Anne RoshieComment


Anne RoshieComment

Took a mini weekend getaway to Philly, sometimes a much needed break for the norm is good for the soul. I stopped by the Philadelphia Museum where the iconic Rocky scene was shot thus dubbed the Rocky steps. I couldn't resist doing the running shot and fist pumping in the air as well. 

One of my fave Rocky quotes goes like this.

It ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done!

A great reminder how staying focused and on your own journey will bring you results. Trust the process. I brought some 80's vibe with this houndstooth jacket that have shoulder pads that could rival a linebacker's and a beret. Headgear is super important to me especially in the cold season. The baldie may not flourish but my accessories to cover it up should.

Don't forget to check out 24 hours in Philly for a few go to places I spotted.