Anne RoshieComment


Anne RoshieComment
Photography: Jessica Curlderon

Photography: Jessica Curlderon

Is anyone going through a crazy sugar rush this holiday season? I know I am.

I love the holiday season. We tend to meet up, chat, spread some good ol holiday cheer andddd EAT! Holiday season is a ripe time for gaining back all the pounds we have been shedding off. I literally have to push myself to the gym to get in a work out. The frigid temperatures do not help either. All we want to do is stay indoors and keep munching.

I love anything avocado hence holy guacamole. I am being extra here – pun intended.

Do you guys have some favorite foods? Are there some dishes you are avoiding? Or are you like me thinking well, just a little bite which in turn becomes many bites later?

I do not want to do a new year’s resolution on Jan 1st on eating better and bla bla bla! So am thinking of ways to enjoy myself while still eating healthy.

And on that note – I mentioned EATS eons ago. The new content section dedicated to some great wellness recipes. I won’t say anything further until I start! Just start! As I always love saying then I will give you all a head up when we are up and running.

Happy Holidays!!

Dress: Vintage

Headwrap: Roshie Anne